lørdag den 14. juni 2014

You can´t live 2 places

Darn. I knew this would happen.

While we lived in SD I could follow family and friends on facebook. Pictures, statuses, pregnancies, moves, babies, children growing, birthdays, milestones etc. etc. It made me sad missing out, but we also experienced so much and met so many wonderful people in the US.

Fast forward, going back to Denmark. Now I can follow friends in SD - milestones, babies, kids growing, moves, fun activities etc etc. Again we miss out.

An example: A thing we loved (well, at least Silke and I did) in SD was fairy festivals! This spring, Summers Past Farms have a fairy festival, my international moms club had a fairy and gnome party (I could see the pics on FB) and SD botanical garden has their annual fairy festival. And I hate missing out, I hate that Silke is missing out. We've been making our own little fairy gardens in the backyard to compensate.

Around 2 weeks ago a giant rainbow appeared in the sky in SD. We missed that, too! Silke loves rainbows..

J, thanks for letting me use this pic!

On the positive side- Silke has good friends right across the street. The row-house area where we live is teeming with kids, and life, and as it is summer now, those glorious, long, Danish summer evenings. I hated that they missed out on those while we lived in SD. They enjoy much more freedom and responsibilities here than in SD. Also on the plus side I don't have to fear some gun-toting crazy person while in the movie theather, in the mall, or in my kids' school. Most Danes consider people who are into guns crazy, and when one of the prominent politicians suggested that gun laws should be 'liberalized' in Denmark, there was a public cry of outrage, shaming him (of course, who would want their country to be so much less safe?)
We enjoy the wonderful nature, we are picking elderflowers in order to make elderflower tea, and to use dried elderflower in cakes and soaps etc.

And for me, one of the most positive things: I DON'T HAVE TO DRIVE A CAR!!! I really dislike driving, and being able to go everywhere by foot, bike or public transportation has lowered my stress level considerable. Yay!!

You can´t have it all, no. I know that. But allow me to miss the good things and good friends!

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