fredag den 28. februar 2014

Our library

One of the things I will miss is our library. Not that Danish libraries aren't great - because they are.
Yet there is a few things I find are done smarter here (and a few things that aren't). Bear in mind, I'm only talking about our local libary branch in Rancho Penasquitos. I can't speak for other libraries in the US...

Things I'll miss:

1) You can order books for free from other libraries in San Diego County (corresponds to You have 13 days to pick up those books - as opposed to 7. It was quite difficult for me to do in Denmark, with my work schedule (10-18) and saturdays.. My library closed at 18 or 19, and opened at 10. See the problem?

2) if you do not pick up the book during these 13 days they will charge your account a re-stock fee of 1 dollar. I think that is fine - after all, transporting a book costs money, and if you don't pick it up, you've wasted someone elses time and dime..

3) every second year you have to renew your library card. You have to pay whatever fines you owe, show your drivers licence with your address. I think that is brilliant. It ensures that people owing money to the library will have to pay the fine to continue using this service.

4) If a book is late, it's not a fee per 7 days as in Denmark (you pay 20 crowns for the 1st-7th day, 30 for the 8th-15th day or something like that - can't remember the exact amounts) Here, every day the book is late will rack up 20 cents. It does provide an incentive to return the book as fast as possible to the library.

5) Book slot. If the library is closed there is a book slot where you can put your books in - the librarians will pick them up the next day and return them for you. So flexible! Love it!

And.. things I don't like:

1) You only have the book 3 weeks, as opposed to the 4 weeks you get in Denmark. Annoying!

2) you can only renew twice. I mean, if someone else needs the book, fine - but if no-one else has made a reservation, why shouldn't you be able to renew it again and again and again?? Better you have time to read it (and if it's a schoolbook you might need it for a while) than collecting dust on a shelf, is it not?

3) confusing opening hours. Monday 9,30 to 5 PM. Tues and wed - 12PM to 8PM. Thu and fri-9,30AM to 5PM. Saturday: 10AM-2PM. It is confusing and difficult to remember. I've often showed up believing it to be open, when it was closed. The plus-side is that, as opposed to my local  Danish library, this accomodates different work schedules.

4) Website/facebook often not updated. I've often been thinking 'are they closed this holiday? I mean, my husband doesn't have work off''. I've looked at the website and their facebook page, which mentions nothing. I've shown up. Closed due to presidents day.. or other. Annoying! Make a list of closed days and post it - please!!

But all in all - we've been very satisfied here!

mandag den 10. februar 2014

Lidt sprogblomster

Silke, singing 'If I could be an igloo, I'd spread my wings and soar, all across America, from shore to shore'. (vi er ret sikre på hun mener Eagle)

Hver morgen i Silkes skole sværger de til flaget:
"I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."
 Hun har nogle gange gentaget den herhjemme i en lettere redigeret udgave: 'I pledge allegiance to the United States of America, and to the profit for which it stands - invisible and justice for all' (jeg kan heller ikke udtale indivisible, det er godt nok en tunge-knækker..)

Silke singing for Lucia: try to fall asleep at night, brother and sister will hold you tight but not so tight you diiiieee
We blame Phineas and Ferb

På Maui: Claus til Silke: Silke, du må ikke drikke af vandet i poolen. Nogen tisser måske i det. Eric: Mig tisse i vand. Hehe. Hehe.

Eric blander pt de to sprog:

Mig til Eric : Ja du er jo en klog dreng:-). Eric. No! No mig klog! Mig Eric!
'My ha my farmand'. 'Mig ha more'. Skulle være meget normalt når de er udsat for to sprog, til gengæld taler han i en alder af 3½ ikke flydende på nogen af dem endnu. Skulle vist også være relativt normalt.
'Pease, mor, pease' (please).
En overgang gik han og sagde 'peepee' hele tiden, og jeg sagde 'skal du tisse, så løb ud med dig' - han var lige blevet renlig. Men det var please han sagde. Han lærte så ret hurtigt at sige 'tisse'.

Han har i lang tid bedt om 'cupcakes' til morgen - altså cornflakes..

Han mener heller ikke at Lucia er en pige. Hun er en BABY!

mandag den 3. februar 2014

Break from blogging

am taking a short break from blogging. Between having to cater to 3 kids, finding a container to ship us to Europe (and insurance), between trying to sell a bunch of stuff and find out what to throw away, between trying to plan Silke's birthday (so that she can have a party here, also to say goodbye), between having to cook and still getting some sleep & exercise, there's no extra time right now.

The next few weeks will be hectic - but then I'll return with pictures and stories from Hawaii, playdates, Disneyland etc. etc. -

Til familie og venner i Danmark

Kære venner, familie og bekendte i Danmark. Om en måned er vi hjemme. Vi (især jeg) er meget i tvivl om hvorvidt det er den rigtige beslutning. Der er ting, vi savner ved Danmark, men der er også ting vi absolut ikke savner.

Ligeledes vil der være ting vi vil komme til at savne meget vil CA. Silke har idylliseret Danmark i sit hovede, og Eric kan ikke huske Danmark. Vi aner ikke hvilke reaktioner ungerne og os vil få ved at rejse hjem.

Man får helt andre perspektiver på livet af at bo i udlandet. Jeg vil gerne bede Jer om at bære over med os, være forstående og venlige de første par måneder (og måske længere) efter vi er kommet hjem. Jeg undskylder på forhånd hvis vi brokker os over Danmark og er kede af det eller sure. Det er en normal reaktion på at vende hjem... for San Diego er også blevet 'hjemme', på mange måder. Især den første tid bliver svær - vi får først vores ting med container efter 6-8 uger (hvis tolden er med os) og indtil da må vi låne møbler osv.
Eric snakker ikke flydende dansk - han snakker en sjov blanding og har en fed amerikansk accent.

Ungerne skal starte i ny skole, daginst. osv. Jeg er på barsel med Lucia de første par mdr - sig endeligt til hvis I vil mødes...

Her er en vedkommende artikel der forklarer meget godt om 'det at vende hjem'.

Jeg har haft 'omvendt kulturchock' før (meget ubehageligt forøvrigt, især fordi man skulle tro at man bare falder tilbage til sin vandte kultur, men sådan er det ikke for alle)

Forfatteren beskriver det meget godt ' I don’t think there is really any way to describe this feeling to those who haven’t experienced it themselves.  It’s a little like free-falling.  It feels as if we are floating aimlessly on restless waters.  We feel distinctly ungrounded.'